EZ Remote Databases

Welcome to E-Z

The St. Joseph’s University, New York Libraries’
Remote Databases

Link to
Password Reset Service

If still you cannot login, please fill out an TechHelp Form or eail Techhelp@sjny.edu

Please include your full name and whether you are faculty or student.


Attention Students & Faculty

Your SJNY Network ID and password can be used to login into any library database.
Please use your user ID only (jdoe@sjny.edu before the @ sign) or your full email address to login to the system.

Attention Students & Faculty

In the event that you forget your password, the Password Reset Service will allow you to reset your password without contacting TechHelp. To take full advantage of this service it is strongly recommended that you enroll in the Password Reset Service by setting up your security questions. This password affects your SJNY Google Apps account, SJNY-public wireless, and remote access to the Library databases.

LIBRARY HOME: www.sjny.edu/Libraries
SJNY HOME: www.sjny.edu
PASSWORD RESET: roe.sjny.edu/passwordhelp


CALLAHAN LIBRARY: callahan@sjny.edu
MCENTEGART HALL LIBRARY: mcentegart@sjny.edu
SITE PROBLEMS/COMMENTS?: Techhelp@sjny.edu