Call numbers indicate where an item is located within the library. The Callahan Library uses the Library of Congress Classification system which groups items by subject matter.
The following call numbers will help you locate items relevant to 3D Printing
Subclass T - Technology (General)
Subclass TS - Technology (Manufacturers)
If a database search tells you about an article but the full text of the article is not there, search again for the article title, along with any other relevant citation information, using the Discovery Search tool. Once you locate the article record, click on "Availability" to determine if any alternate SJNY Library databases provide access.
If one or more databases provide access, click on the "View Full Text" link(s) to find the full text.
If no databases provide access, then you can request the article through Interlibrary loan using the Tipasa system.
Use the Journal Locator to discover if the library subscribes to a specific journal title. You can search by title, keyword, or ISSN.
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