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McEntegart Hall Library Archives: Featured Collections

McEntegart Library Guide: McEntegart Hall Library Archives collects, preserves and makes accessible records relating to the history of St. Joseph’s University, NY. The archive includes photographs, yearbooks, news clippings, administrative documents and m

SJC Motto "Esse non videri - To be, not to seem”

SJC Coat of Arms - History

SJC Publications

SJC Course Catalogues

SJC Yearbooks

SJC yearbooks (Footprints, Horizons, Achievements) are viewable online via the Internet Archives.

SJC Photograph Collections

Carousel of photos from Flickr

Voices of SJC: Oral History Collections

3D Objects - SJC Memorabilia

Banner (Salus Animarum Suprema Lex)

Medal charm - Religion Committee St. Joseph's College for Women (2)

Crucifix - Bishop McDonnell, April 1, 1899 - Greeting card accompanying the Crucifix

Memory Book 1935

Lorenzo Hall Residents' Scrap Book Pre 1936

Hill Center architectural model

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