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Callahan Library (LI Campus), McEntegart Library (Brooklyn Campus), SJNY Online

Alumni & Guest Services: Callahan Library

Alumni wishing to access Callahan Library should complete the form below. Email notification will be sent when your account is ready (typically 1-2 business days). Library access is always subject to change in accordance with SJNY and government protocols. The alumni card must be presented with a current photo ID (government-issued or from another academic institution) upon entering the library.

SJNY Alumni Library Card Request

Note that until further notice the libraries are not open to Guests. 

Alumni & Guest Services: McEntegart Library

Alumni wishing to access McEntegart Library should complete the form below. Email notification will be sent when your account is ready (typically 1-2 business days). Library access is always subject to change in accordance with SJNY and government protocols. The alumni card must be presented with a current photo ID (government-issued or from another academic institution) upon entering the library.

SJNY Alumni Library Card Request

Note that until further notice the libraries are not open to Guests. 



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