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Callahan Library (LI Campus), McEntegart Library (Brooklyn Campus), SJNY Online

Research Help: Callahan Library

Why Cite


Plagiarism is defined as the act of copying, stealing, or representing the ideas or words of another as one's own, without giving credit to the source.

To avoid committing plagiarism, cite all of your sources properly according to the rules of the specific citation styles your professors require.  Three of the most commonly used citation styles are:

  • MLA
  • APA
  • Chicago


Why You Should Cite Your Sources:


  • To give credit where credit is due
  • To give credibility to your research
  • To enable your readers (professors and peers) to retrace your research steps
  • To practice academic honesty and integrity 


What Needs to be Cited?

Direct Quotes
Ideas not your own (Paraphrasing an idea)



Do You Need to Cite Everything?

No.  If something is common knowledge (it can be found in many different sources and is a well known fact) it does not need to be cited.  The following are common examples of common knowledge:

  • Water freezes at 32 degrees Fahrenheit
  • George Washington was the first President of the United States

Purdue OWL Quick Reference Posters

Library Tutorials

Additional Tutorials

  • APA 7th ed. Tutorials and Webinars
    Support material available from the American Psychological Association.
  • MLA Tutorial
    Watch this excellent, short video from Hayden Memorial Library of Citrus College, that walks you through creating an MLA citation and corresponding in-text citation.

What is permalink?

A permalink is a static or permanent web address (URL) which points to a specific item such as an article or e-book.

Why use permalinks?

If you copy a URL directly from the browser address bar it usually contains more information than the direct link to the specific item. Some databases also use URLs that change for each new search session even if you are looking up the same information.

Will the permalinks work off campus?

Subscription database links will not work off campus without authentication from a proxy server. If the permalinks do not include the campus proxy URL, students will not be able to access the material from off campus. Some databases will add the proxy URL automatically, and some will not.

What is a proxy server?

The proxy server allows you to connect to SJNY Libraries e-resources from off campus by redirecting each request through a computer on campus.

What is the library's proxy server address?

The proxy server address should be placed in front of the permalink address for library resources that require authentication. Some databases such as EBSCO, Gale, and ProQuest may already include the proxy server address.

Where do I find permalinks?

Most databases will have a permalink somewhere in the record, but each database may post them in different ways and places. Sometimes they are called permalinks, sometimes they are called persistent URLs.

Research Help: McEntegart Library

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