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Callahan Library (LI Campus), McEntegart Library (Brooklyn Campus), SJNY Online

Student Services: Callahan Library

Assistive Technology

The Callahan Library is committed to providing access to all library patrons. All student computers within the library provide the Magnifier screen enlarger utility, the Narrator screen reader utility, and the NVDA screenreader.  In addition, the Genie Pro book magnifier is available upon request. The Genie Pro magnifies printed material for display on a monitor.

Library E-Resources and Accessibility

Please refer to the Library E-Resources and Accessibility Guide for details regarding the accessibility of our various library resources.

Student Services: McEntegart Library

Librarian Consultation

Stuck with your research? Have a question about proper citation format? Schedule a one-on-one consultation with a librarian to help guide you on your way.


or email

or call 718.940.5880

Laptop Loan

Current SJNY students & faculty may borrow a laptop for use in the McEntegart Hall Library building. To borrow a laptop, please read and agree to the McEntegart Laptop Loan Agreement Form (valid for one semester).

Suggest an Item

Have you found a valuable resource outside McEntegart that you think the library should own? Let us know by submitting the McEntegart Library Purchase Request Form.

Library E-Resources and Accessibility

Please refer to the Library E-Resources and Accessibility Guide for details regarding the accessibility of our various library resources.

SJNY Libraries Website Privacy Policy
Report a digital accessibility issue