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Callahan Library (LI Campus), McEntegart Library (Brooklyn Campus), SJNY Online

SJNY Library Faculty Services Forms & Policies

Reserves Request Forms

Placing Materials on Reserve

Faculty may reserve required or recommended readings found in the SJNY Libraries catalog on reserve for their courses. To reserve an item, contact the library at least four weeks before the class requires the material. Material will remain on reserve for the semester, but will be returned to the shelves or faculty member once classes end. 
Please fill out and submit the Reserve Request for your campus.


  • Items placed on reserve will remain up until the end of the semester and will be removed at the end of the semester.
  • Books, DVDs and articles obtained through Interlibrary Loan cannot be placed on Reserve.
  • If using an article from one of our databases, please be sure to provide the citation and permalink.
  • Personal copies of monographs and other materials will be returned to the instructor in care of the Department at the end of the designated semester.
  • It is not the policy of the Library to purchase required textbooks for course reserve. Alternatively, we accept donations or you can temporarily lend the library your copy for the semester.
  • The Library cannot accept responsibility for replacing lost personal copies of books and material.

Harvard Business Review Note

Harvard Business Review articles may not be used for course reading. “Harvard Business Review Notice of Use Restrictions: Harvard Business Review and Harvard Business Publishing Newsletter content on EBSCOhost is licensed for the private individual use of authorized EBSCOhost users. It is not intended for use as assigned course material in academic institutions nor as corporate learning or training materials in businesses. Academic licensees may not use this content in electronic reserves, electronic course packs, persistent linking from syllabi or by any other means of incorporating the content into course resources.

Fair Use & Canvas

Faculty members placing materials in their Canvas course are responsible for determining if their reserve qualifies as a Fair Use. Fair Use guidelines limit reproduction to no more than 10% of the total work. No more than one article per journal title can be posted.
Check to see if your reserve qualifies as Fair Use by using this Interactive Fair Use Evaluator.
For further guidance, you can review the Copyright Libguide or consult a librarian.


For questions, changes to a reserve or removal of an older edition please contact the library.

Instruction Request Forms

Librarians support faculty by teaching information literacy and critical thinking skills. Invite a librarian into your class to cover a range of topics including: selecting and refining research topics, locating books and articles, using databases, evaluating websites, and citing sources. Librarians also offer one-on-one research consultation. We will provide individual instruction for faculty on the use of many of our databases, searching the Library Catalog and Evaluating Web Pages.  Please contact the reference desk to schedule an appointment.


  • To provide adequate time to prepare, requests for instruction should be made at least two weeks prior to the desired date. 
  • The library instruction calendar fills up quickly. To ensure your preferred date, it’s best to make a request early in the semester (or even before the semester begins).
  • Faculty may request library instruction for any class. Librarians can provide general instruction, or they can customize a session for a specific course or assignment. 
  • Classes include but are not limited to the following:
    • General orientation covering how to use the Online Catalog, the Databases and the Library Website
    • Finding Books and Articles
    • Subject-Oriented Databases (Business, History, Social Science, Poetry, etc.)
    • Finding Primary Sources
    • Website Evaluation
    • Plagiarism and Citation Styles

IMPORTANT! Your class request is not confirmed until you have received a reply either by email or phone. If you have not received a reply within 3 business days, please contact:

The Callahan Curriculum Library, a collection supporting the child study and secondary education majors, includes textbooks with teacher editions, instructional materials, and children's fiction and nonfiction. 
To request Curriculum Library Instruction please contact the Curriculum Librarian


For questions, please contact:

Purchase Request Forms for Books, Ebooks & DVDs

Purchase Request Forms for Streaming Films


The SJNY Libraries strongly encourage teaching faculty to make recommendations for adding materials to our collections that support teaching and student research in their classes and disciplines. To recommend an item for purchase please fill out as much information as possible on the request form. Faculty members will be notified when ordered materials have been received.

Streaming Video

  • The Library can acquire older, hard-to-find find films and documentaries for streaming.
  • Requests for popular or readily available films as well as episodic TV series from commercial streaming services cannot be fulfilled.
  • Only faculty may request films (i.e., student requests will not be considered).


  • It is not the policy of the Library to purchase required textbooks for courses. 


If you wish to suggest a journal subscription or streaming media service please contact the library director. Due to the substantial and ongoing cost of digital resources, these requests will be evaluated in light of available funds and anticipated use.

Bibliography Requests

Faculty may request SJNY librarians to prepare course specific bibliographies that reflect resources available through the Library. 


Please request bibliographies at least two weeks before they are required.


To request a bibliography contact:

  • Adele Fitzgerald at or 631-687-2639 for bibliography requests at Callahan Library.
  • Reference Desk at or 718-940-5880 for bibliography requests at McEntegart Library. 

What is permalink?

A permalink is a static or permanent web address (URL) that points to a specific item such as an article or e-book.

Why use permalinks?

If you copy a URL directly from the browser address bar the link is often not a permanent one, as some databases change the link address for each new search session, even if you are looking up the same information. Conversely, a permalink is intended to remain permanent for a long period of time.

Will the permalinks work off campus?

Subscription database links will not work off campus without authentication through a proxy server. If the permalinks do not include the campus proxy URL, students will not be able to access the material from off campus. Some databases will add the proxy URL automatically, and some will not.

What is a proxy server?

The proxy server allows you to connect to SJC Libraries e-resources from off campus by redirecting each request through a computer on campus.

What is the library's proxy server address?

The proxy server address should be placed in front of the permalink address for library resources that require authentication. Some databases such as EBSCO, Gale, and ProQuest may already include the proxy server address.

Where do I find permalinks?

Most databases will have a permalink somewhere in the record, but each database may post them in different ways and places. Sometimes they are called permalinks, sometimes they are called persistent URLs. Note that as of January, 2025 the the EBSCO platform provides the permalink directly in the address bar. 

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